Armando Jacox


From a young age, Armando Jacox was captivated by poetry. At the age of ten he won a poetry contest and this experience ignited a lifelong passion for creative writing. Despite this early success, Armando’s parents divorced when he was only three, each struggling with their own demons: his father with alcoholism and his mother with major depression.  His teenage years were marred by turmoil— fueled by a growing addiction to drugs and alcohol.  In addition, he had undiagnosed ADHD, something that would not be discovered until much later.  

Despite the odds stacked against him, Armando found solace and support in key figures: teachers, counselors, and his high school sweetheart, all of whom provided the encouragement he desperately needed. One teacher in particular, saw potential in his writing that no one else did, appointing him as the Editor of the school's literary magazine. This role was more than an honor; it was a lifeline that redirected his path entirely.

Armando's journey through education was a testament to his resilience. After graduating high school, he attended a local community college, then UNLV, and finally The University of Arizona, following his high school girlfriend. However, college saw the return of his addiction, nearly claiming his life and derailing his achievements, including his relationship.

Recovery was Armando's turning point. Now, with twenty-two years of sobriety under his belt, he reflects on a journey marked by both despair and redemption. Sobriety allowed him to complete his education, embark on a fulfilling marriage, and start a family. For years, he prioritized providing for his loved ones working as a salesman and a business owner, setting his creative ambitions aside. Yet, the call of creativity persisted, and Armando has since returned to writing, now also embracing more passions: filmmaking and technology.


Armando's entrepreneurial journey is marked by a series of ventures, each reflecting his dynamic spirit and leadership abilities. Among these, a standout is the local Colorado roofing company he successfully led for five years in Colorado. In this role, he started the company from scratch and with the support of his spouse he hired several employees, subcontractors, and managed all aspects of this complex business. His foray into entrepreneurship didn't stop there; Armando also launched a video marketing agency. There, he produced an array of high-quality commercial videos, including a TV-quality sizzle reel that doubled as a proof of concept for a potential television series. Managing a team of talented creatives, as well as collaborating with independent directors and casting agents, Armando sharpened his improven his leadership and video production project management skills.

Each venture served as a stepping stone, enriching Armando's experience across industries and honing his abilities in being resourceful, creative, and an insightful business person. These experiences culminated in his return to his original passion in creative writing and ignited a passion for another long term interest: independent filmmaking. As a driven independent filmmaker with a unique and innovative personal approach, Armando can practice his diverse skill set as a writer, producer, director, and actor. Drawing from his eclectic background he can take a project from the various stages of initial idea, development, financing, pre-production, production, post production, and distribution; all with the goal of creating compelling stories that are also profitable.


Armando Jacox currently works as Director of Sales and Marketing at Sol Vista Roofing, a reputable roofing contractor in Colorado. In this role, he collaborates closely with the owner, staff, and independent contractors, driving the company toward its financial objectives. Armando's passion for digital marketing and technology plays a crucial role here, as he co-manages the company's website with a seasoned SEO strategist. Together, they enhance the website's Google ranking and ensure a steady flow of online leads, allowing Armando to immerse himself in the intricacies of web development, digital marketing, and online lead generation.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Armando is deeply committed to his education as a part-time BFA student in Film and Television at CU Denver and he takes film and design classes at the local Community College of Aurora (formerly Colorado Film School). He actively participates in the local film scene, being a member of the Colorado Film and Video Association and engaging with the Denver film community. Currently, Armando is developing two film projects—a short film and a feature-length movie—and has recently taken on the exciting challenge of producing a full-length documentary alongside an experienced local Colorado film Director. He goes on acting auditions regularly and enjoys honing the craft of filmmaking.  

Social Media

Armando is a prolific content creator, engaging audiences on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram with his dynamic and diverse content. His digital storytelling journey began with YouTube's rise in 2007, when he embarked on a documentary about sustainable energy for the Curriculum for Life program by Landmark Education. Although the project was halted during post-production due to the specialized nature of video editing at the time, it planted the seeds for his future endeavors.

In 2018, Armando launched the podcast "Roofing It!" to inspire the roofing industry through conversations with its leaders, including CEOs and industry experts. His commitment to quality led him to master professional recording equipment and set up his own in-house podcasting studio. Transitioning the podcast into a video web series, Armando not only rekindled his passion for being on camera but also significantly expanded his audience, attracting thousands of weekly viewers and securing sponsors.

Armando's creative journey took a personal turn on TikTok, where he shares his experiences with ADHD and sobriety. These candid videos offer a glimpse into the challenges of a late ADHD diagnosis and the journey of living sober, providing a valuable outlet for both Armando and his viewers.

Currently, Armando is redefining his YouTube channel to focus on business-centric video essays, while his Instagram has become a showcase for his photography and experimental video projects. This pivot reflects his ever-evolving creative identity and his commitment to sharing his learning and experiences with a broader audience.